Embracing Change: Navigating the Shift from High School Senior to College Freshman

Written by Nina Rawal (W’27); Edited by Lena Alshanafey (C’27)

Transitioning from a high school senior to a college freshman can be a daunting experience. Going from knowing everything about a school to knowing nothing at all is overwhelming. Upon arriving on Penn’s campus, I remember needing Google Maps for directions, while others seemed already familiar with their way around. There’s also the added pressure of finding new friends, all while learning more about yourself. While this was all daunting to me at first, I learned some tips and tricks along the way to make this transition as smooth as possible. 

1. Always say yes!!

Especially in the first few weeks, whenever someone asks you to grab coffee or lunch, always say yes! You never know when an amazing friendship could arise. I met some of my best friends through random group lunches and coffee dates! 

2. Step out of your comfort zone.

College is a fresh start. Don’t be scared to try out for that one club sports team of a sport that you’ve always wanted to play or that one club that only takes a few people. You have so many opportunities at Penn to find what you are genuinely passionate about!

3. Prioritize self-care and personal time.

Whether it's watching your favorite show, reading a new book series, or even just spending time with friends, always ensure that there is time in your day when you can relax. College can be stressful, so it is always important to take care of yourself. 

4. Never be afraid to ask for help!

There are so many resources at Penn for all students. Whether it be through academic advising or mentorship programs, like the Wharton Women mentorship program, it is always helpful to know you have someone to talk to, especially during stressful times like midterms and finals. 

Overall, although transitioning from high school to college can be challenging at first, the unparalleled freshman experience at Penn is undeniably one of the most enjoyable and fulfilling times. Over just the past month, I have forged incredible friendships, studied subjects I’m genuinely passionate about, and, overall, created unforgettable memories.

Wharton Women