Empower Yourself: A Girl’s Guide to Self-Care

Written by Anjeli De Blank (W’26); Edited by Hope Sheridan (W’26)

Life can be complicated, especially at college.  In the midst of academics, clubs, and social life, it’s essential to prioritize yourself and self-care.

With midterms season upon us, here are some tips to explore how self-care can be necessary to succeed.  


Balance is key when managing a busy schedule.. Even during your busiest days, don’t forget to make time for yourself. It is essential to balance all academic, social, and extracurricular obligations with personal time.  For me, this means simply taking a walk in Penn Park. Doing this makes me feel focused, centered, grounded and prepared to continue to tackle the rest of my tasks. 

Nurture your mind and body

Getting enough sleep is essential. When you’re well rested, you'll be more focused and energized, therefore making it easier to be productive. Regular exercise and eating nutritious meals are also great ways to relieve stress and improve your mood. Don’t forget to take breaks too! These breaks can look like grabbing coffee with a friend, reading a book or watching a movie. When you’re feeling overwhelmed from a long study session in Huntsman, try to get up and move around so you can come back to your work refreshed.

Prioritizing your mental health

Set realistic goals for yourself. At times, you may feel the pressure to explore all the opportunities available to you, but you don’t want to spread yourself too thin. It’s okay to say no to things you don’t have time for and do not actually want to dedicate time towards. You should consider your commitments and evaluate whether or not they are activities you find joy in doing. Also, always make time to spend with loved ones and friends. This can also help you feel much better after a stressful day. 

Supportive networks

Surround yourself with people who care about you and encourage your self-care journey. Lean on those close to you for guidance and motivation. Find groups of people who not only prioritize your mental wellbeing, but also can be great examples to mimic in terms of their own self-care practices. Wharton Women is here to help you too!

Celebrate your successes!

Be proud of your accomplishments, no matter how small they seem. It’s easy to forget to celebrate your victories, but always remember each achievement is a step towards your goals. Congratulate yourself for putting so much effort and time into everything you do! 

Looking after yourself is important and I hope you’ve gained some tips to help with this. Everyone’s journey is different, but find what works for you. By making self-care a priority in your life, you’re allowing yourself to become a confident and successful woman.

Wharton Women